महाडीबीटी वेबसाइट जब से शुरू हो गई है तबसे Scholarship Scrutiny Fast तो हो गई है लेकिन MahaDBT Disbursement Pending बहुत ज्यादा देखने को मिल रहा है।
Scholarship of MahaDBT Disbursement के लिए समय क्यों लगता है? Scholarship Amount Transfer न होने का Reason क्या है?
इस बात पर पूरा support और Proper Guidelines की जरुरत है But Problems भी बहुत आने लगी हैं इस प्रकार के Errors को समझ पाना सबके बस की बात नहीं है।
आर्टिकल के मुख्य विषय.
Guidelines MahaDBT Disbursement Pending.
इन्ही त्रुटियों को आवेदक अगर समझ जाए तो उन्हें Mahadbt mahait scholarship Application Error का समाधान करने में मदद मिलेगी और छात्रवृत्ति राशि लाभार्थी के बैंक खाते में ट्रांसफर हो जाएगी।
जब तक Scrutiny MahaDBT Scholarship Application Approvalऔर Voucher Redeem Process पूरी तरह से नहीं होगी लाभ मिलेगा नहीं।
यह होने के बाद भी आवेदकों को Mahadbt student login से status चेक करना चाहिए, क्योंकि कहीं नीचे दिए गए Errors तो नहीं आए हैं।
यदि आपकी Mahadbt scholarship amount एक वर्ष के भीतर भी प्राप्त नहीं हुई है तो जाँच करें कि नीचे दी गई तालिका में आपको क्या कार्रवाई आगे पूरी करनी चाहिए।
MahaDBT Disbursement Errors And Solutions.
यहाँ दिए गए कुछ Solutions एसे भी है जो Applicant पूरा नहीं कर पायेगा. इसीलिए यदि एसा कोई Problem जो हल नहीं होता है तो उन्हें नया बैंक खाता खोलकर उसे link कर लेना बेहतर होगा.
SN. | Errors | Meaning | Solution |
1 | Invalid Account Type (NRE/PPF/CC/Loan/FD) | Aadhaar number should not be seeded in Mapper for these type of accounts for credit of benefits. | Beneficiary to link his/her other Saving Bank account to receive credit |
2 | Aadhaar number de-seeded from NPCI mapper by bank- Customer to contact his/her bank | Aadhaar number de-seeded by bank where it was mapped due to closure of account or account ceased to be eligible for receiving any credit. | Beneficiary to approach Bank to re-seed the Aadhaar in NPCI Mapper |
3 | Account Holder Expired | Account number of legal heir should be updated in database. Implementing agency should not push any transaction in subsequent months with the same account number. | Beneficiary to update Account number of legal heir |
4 | Invalid Bank Identifier | Bank identifier like IFSC/IIN/MICR is incorrect | Beneficiary to provide correct Bank identifier like IFSC/IIN/MICR |
5 | Account does not exist | Beneficiary provided Saving Bank account does not exist | Beneficiary should provide appropriate details and transaction should be initiated after proper account validation |
6 | UID is Disable for DBT/UID NEVER ENABLE FOR DBT | Beneficiaries Aadhaar is disabled | Beneficiary to approach bank to seed/re-seed his/her Aadhaar in Bank/NPCI |
7 | Inactive Aadhaar | Beneficiaries Aadhaar is inactive | Beneficiary to approach bank to re-seed his/her Aadhaar in Bank/NPCI |
8 | Rejected by Bank, Account status is closed | Beneficiaries bank account is closed due to which rejected by Bank | Beneficiary to provide another Saving Bank account as the given account has been closed |
9 | Aadhar Number Not valid | Beneficiaries entered Aadhaar number is not valid | Beneficiary to enter correct Aadhaar number |
10 | Aadhar is not seeded | Beneficiary never enabled Aadhaar | Beneficiary to approach his/her Bank to seed the Aadhaar number with Account number in Bank and NPCI Mapper |
11 | No Such Account | Beneficiary should provide proper details and transaction should be initiated after proper account validation | Beneficiary to provide appropriate details and transaction should be initiated after proper account validation |
12 | Account Closed | Beneficiary provided Saving Bank account is closed | Beneficiary to visit bank and provide another Saving Bank account which is seeded to his/her Aadhaar number |
13 | Account transferred | Beneficiary provided Saving Bank account is transferred | Beneficiary to provide another account and NREGA database should be updated accordingly |
14 | Aadhaar Number not Mapped to Account Number | Beneficiary to approach bank to link the Aadhaar number for seeding/re-seeding in NPCI mapper | Beneficiary to visit bank to link the Aadhaar number for seeding/re-seeding |
15 | KYC Documents Pending | Beneficiary to approach any branch of the bank for completion of the KYC process by submitting required KYC documents | Beneficiary to approach any branch of the bank for completion of the KYC process |
16 | A/c Blocked or Frozen | Beneficiary to approach bank to know the reason of credit freeze to get the account cleared or provide another Saving Bank account. | Beneficiary to visit bank to know the reason of credit freeze or provide another Saving Bank account. |
17 | Account Inoperative | Beneficiary to contact bank and get the account operative. | Beneficiary to contact bank and make account operative. |
18 | Dormant Account | Beneficiary to contact bank and get the account activated. | Beneficiary to contact bank to get account activated. |
19 | Account under attachment | Beneficiary to contact bank to get the account activated | Beneficiary to contact bank to get the account activated |
20 | Account Under Litigation | Beneficiary to contact bank to get the account activated | Beneficiary to contact bank to get account activated. |
21 | Documents Pending for Account Holder turning Major | Beneficiary turning major has to provide full KYC document to get the account active as the account was opened with relaxed KYC documents or documents of parents/guardian | Beneficiary turning major has to provide full KYC document to get the account active |
22 | Garnish order received | Beneficiary to contact bank to get the account activated | Beneficiary to contact bank to get the account activated |
23 | Credit to NRI account | Credit to these type of accounts cannot be successful without other details. | Beneficiary to provide other Saving Bank account to receive credit of benefits |
24 | Account Closed or Transferred | Benficiaries bank account is closed or transferred | Beneficiary to provide another Saving Bank account as the given account has been closed. |
25 | Customer Insolvent / Insane | Implementing agency should not push any transaction in subsequent months as beneficiary has been declared insolvent or insane (not of sound mind) | Beneficiary has been declared insolvent or insane (not of sound mind) so need to visit to bank |
26 | Invalid date | Date Invalid in the field in input file | Beneficiary to enter valid date |
27 | Operation Suspended | Destination bank barred from clearing | Beneficiary to visit bank to know the reason of bank barred from clearing. |
28 | Aadhaar Number is not seeded in NPCI | Never enabled for DBT | Beneficiary to approach bank to seed/re-seed his/her Aadhaar in Bank/NPCI |
29 | Duplicate Reference Number | It should not be duplicated in the file. | Beneficiary to provide unique User reference number and transaction reference number |
30 | Invalid amount | Only numeric values accepted and should not exceed limit set by NPCI which is Rs 2 lacs. NPCI has introduced high value DBT (above Rs 2 lacs). Some banks can only process amount for Re 1 and above. | Beneficiary to provide another Saving Bank account |
31 | Unclaimed/DEAF Accounts | New code introduced on request of Banks so that returns on “Inoperative’ and ‘Dormant’ can be avoided. | Beneficiary to visit bank and provide another Saving Bank account which is seeded to his/her Aadhaar number |
32 | Account reached maximum Credit limit set on account by Bank | Since these are Basic Savings Bank Account opened with simplified KYC, overall credit limit set for these accounts as per RBI guidelines. | Beneficiary to contact bank with full KYC documents for conversion to regular Savings Bank account. |
33 | ACCOUNT FROZEN | provided Saving Bank account is frozen | Beneficiary to approach bank to know the reason of credit freeze to get the account regularized and activated OR provide another Saving Bank account |
34 | Amount Exceeds limit set on Account by Bank for Credit per Transaction | Since these are Basic Savings Bank Account opened with simplified KYC, transaction limit set for these accounts as per RBI guidelines. | Beneficiary to contact bank with full KYC documents for conversion to regular Savings Bank account. |
35 | Account reached maximum Debit/Credit limit set on account by Bank | Since these are Basic Savings Bank Account opened with simplified KYC, overall credit limit set for these accounts as per RBI guidelines. | Beneficiary to contact bank with KYC documents for conversion to regular Savings Bank account. |
36 | Beneficiary Name Differs | The beneficiary name did not tally as per bank records. | Beneficiary should provide appropriate details and transaction should be initiated after proper account validation |
37 | Account Description Does not Tally | The account number and other field like account holder name and type did not tally as per bank records. The beneficiary has to give proper details again for updation of NREGA database and transaction should be initiated after proper account validation. There is an optional field in the input file as account type which should be correct if mentioned. | Beneficiary has to give appropriate details for updation of NREGA database and transaction should be initiated after proper account validation. |
38 | Invalid Aadhaar Format | Transaction file contains Invalid Aadhaar No and did not pass validation of Vehroff Algorithm | Beneficiary to enter correct Aadhaar number |
39 | Rejected by Bank, Account No does not exist in Bank | The given account number could not be traced in Bank CBS. | Beneficiary to approach his/her Bank and should provide proper details and transaction should be initiated only after account verification. |
40 | Aadhaar mapping does not exist/Aadhaar number not mapped to IIN | Aadhaar not updated in NPCI mapper/not updated against the IIN number given in the file. | Aadhaar number to be seeded in mapper by Beneficiary |
41 | Party’s Instructions | Transaction recalled by the remitter | Beneficiary to contact bank to get the account activated. |
अंत में दिया गया कॉलम यह समस्या का हल है. यदि कोई Solution समज न आये तो निचे कमेंट में जरुर लिखे.
अब समय आता है की हमें पता कैसे चलेगा की ऊपर दिए गए समस्याओ में से आपके लिए क्या Error हो सकता है तो यह तरीका अपनाये.
Mahadbt Scholarship Status Check कैसे करे?
हमने ढूंढे हैं Keywords MahaDBT Disbursement क्यों नहीं हुआ यह जानने के लिए अपना Scholarship Status mahadbt login कैसे देखे यह जानना चाहते हैं।
इसी लिए mahadbt status कैसे देखे या फिर mahadbt status चेक कैसे करें यह Search जरुर करते है।
सरल प्रक्रिया mahadbt scholarship status check कैसे करते हमने इसे पहले भी लिखा है लेकिन अधिक जानकारी के लिए यहाँ पर शॉर्ट जानकारी दे रहे हैं।
Check Mahadbt Scholarship Status
- ओपन करे mahadbt Portal,
- Open “My Applied Scheme“
- Check kare one by one My Applied Scheme History,
- आगे 3 Tabs दिखाई देते है Under Scrutiny Application, Approved Application, Rejected Application आदि.
- यहा पर mahadbt scholarship Application देखेंगे उसके Benefit Details इस ऑप्शन को खोले.
इस प्रकार से MahaDBT Fund Disbursement Process कहां तक आई है आपको पता चल जाएगा। इसके अलावा भी कई प्रश्न हो सकते हैं जो यहां जोड़ें नहीं है हमें जरुर बताएं हम उन्हें जरुर यहाँ शामिल करेंगे।
MahaDBT Disbursment Solutions.
कुछ सामान्य प्रश्न mahadbt scholarship Maharashtra को लेकर आवेदक पूछते हैं जिसका हल अलग तरीके से निचे दिए गए हैं, मुझे आशा है कि आपके लिए यह मददगार होगा।
MahaDBT Scholarship Amount कैसे देखू?
जैसे कि हमें ऊपर भी पता है कि mahadbt scholarship status check करोगे तो वहा पर Check Redeem Status option दिखायी देगा बस वही आपको पता चल जाएगा कि कितनी स्कॉलरशिप राशी आपको मिलेगी।
Mahadbt scolaraship Amount कब आएगा?
छात्रवृत्ति फॉर्म mahadbt.maharashtra.gov.in पर भरें, जब कॉलेज लॉगिन से फॉर्म स्वीकृत हो जाता है तो first installment Department level पर भी स्वीकृत कराता है।
यहाँ पर दोनों ही लेवल से mahadbt scholarship form approved हो जाता है तो Scrutiny complete हो जाती है . इसके बाद आवेदक Scholarship Voucher redeem करेगा आवेदक लॉगिन के जरिये।
यह चरण दर चरण प्रक्रिया पूरी होने के बाद ही Scholarship Amount Beneficiary के बैंक खाते में आती है।
Mahadbt scholarship amount कौनसे महीने में आता है?
इसकी कोई last date या Deadline नहीं है। प्रक्रिया के हिसाब से 6 महीने के बाद Scholarship amount आवेदक के खाते में आ जाती है।
इसिलिये समय-समय पर mahadbt fund disbursement status जरुर देखें।
Mahadbt fund disbursement in process का मतलब क्या है?
इसका मतलब महाडीबीटी विभाग से जो भी Fund Beneficiary को उनकी Eligibility के अनुसार दिया जाना चाहिए वह प्रक्रिया में है और जल्द ही Direct benefit transfer process के जरिये आधार लिंक बैंक खाते में Transfer हो जाएगी यह होता है.
हम आशा करते हैं कि MahaDBT disbursement process को लेकर आपके सारे समाधान हो जाएंगे। फिर भी नहीं हो पाता है तो एक बार ध्यान से ऊपर दिए गए Maha dbt Scholarship Error check करें आपको समाधान मिल जाएगा।